Thursday, August 12, 2010

Readings for Greek Literature -- Grade 9

The reason I went looking for "ancient history readers" in Google Library was because I was getting in over my head with all the things Kieron could possibly read for Ancient History.   I thought that if I saw what some turn of the century educators thought particularly worthwhile to excerpt, it would give me a way to hit the high points.

On the other hand, while the Greek historians were overwhelming me a bit, the Greek poets are making me very happy.   When I was in junior high school I took an elective class on Greek Myths and my teacher, who was very good, got me interested in Greek literature.  I went on to read Sophocles, Aeschylus, and even a play or two by Aristophanes that were on my Dad's shelves.   I think I was so naive I missed the bad parts in Aristophanes, though I definitely picked up on his irreverence.

I'm enjoying rereading them now.   I remember them pretty well considering it's been thirty years or more.

The plan for literature:

Iliad read aloud throughout the year -- very slow reading.

First Term:  Odyssey
Second Term Greek drama -- Aeschylus, Oresteian trilogy; Sophocles, Theban plays (Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone).   Aristotle's Poetics. 
Third Term:   Plato
Fourth Term:  (if time provides) Aeneid

Supplement with Plutarch, a couple of Lives per term.

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