Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A few random posts from my blog-reader that I wanted to bookmark to remember:

Castle in the Sea: What I Learned This Week from Opening Up One Book

Seems like a great idea.... pick up a book and learn something!

Karen Edmisten: How I Decided What to Give Up for Lent

It resonated because that's what I gave up too. Funny how we really KNOW what we are overly attached to : ).

The Deeps of Time: Pope on Faith and Science

The Pope reflects on science and faith in the life of St Albert the Great.

Just Thomism: The four truths of the principle of contradiction

Bookmarked to read when I have more mental space -- I don't right now.

Ordo Amoris: School Planning 2010

Cindy approaches school planning the right way -- by reading books like Norms and Nobility and Charlotte Mason's Philosophy of Education.

Childlight USA: Thoughts on Living like a Person...

Charlotte Mason's daily schedule. Very interesting. Reminded me of an article from an old binder that I was just reading. Work is Prayer.... Not! (Part 1 and Part 2). A clip that struck me from the Benedictine article:

Benedict divides up the monastic day into three essential activities: prayer, labor and biblical study. A close study of his timetable indicates that about three hours were spent in church at the Divine Office; five hours were devoted to manual labor; and two or three hours were given over to biblical study. According to the seasons of the year, both natural and liturgical, this schedule was fine-tuned, but it is fixed in its three-part form. From the modern standpoint, the surprising thing about this horarium is how little work it calls for. What modem person works only five hours a day?