Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Take Up and Read

My friend Chari and I have started a new blog!  We've been talking about it for a long time, for over a year in fact, and after many discussions and much strategizing finally went ahead and did it.   For people who think in binary, and I know you are out there, today's date  is  11-01-11.  But that is not why we chose today to open the blog.  Rather, we planned it for the beautiful Solemnity of All Saints.  

We're just getting started, but I hope you get a chance to visit us over there, now and in the coming days and weeks!  

God our Father, source of all holiness,
the work of your hands is manifest in your saints,
the beauty of your truth is reflected in their faith. 
May we who aspire to have part in their joy
be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, 
so that having shared their faith on earth 
we may also know their peace in your kingdom. 
Grant this through Christ our Lord. 

1 comment:

  1. haha...I looked on google for Take Up and Read and this came up...but not our blog :)


I would love to hear your thoughts on this!