Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Links

Happy Pentecost!

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. 
O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. 
Through Christ our Lord.


Here's a Pastoral Letter on Evangelization from Cardinal Seain O'Malley which is interesting to read.     I like the point he makes that the Gospel would have remained trapped in history had it not been for Pentecost and what followed.

Here are a few more links to sites that I have used recently and wanted to remember and/or share. 

750 Words --  this is a simple but fun app that helps you write your Morning Pages.   Morning Pages are a kind of free-write where you don't have to worry about self-censorship, editing and spelling, or anything like that.  The idea is to get your right brain in on your writing, I suppose.  I like 750 words because it's visually attractive and minimalistic and has cool graphs and charts that you can look at.  And it keeps track of how many words you have written so you don't have to guess.   I've been using it to recount childhood memories because one of my "before I turn 50" projects is to reflect on where I've come from and where I'm going.  Ha!  Sounds sufficiently self-important, doesn't it! (and I can even alliterate unintentionally!)

Typing Monster -- I hardly ever play online games except with my children.    This is my idea of fun though -- you practice your typing by copying bits of Aesop's fables, and you dodge the monster's fireballs by typing in numbers.    I am easily amused, and this is about the most extreme video gaming I can handle. 

Superhero Name Generator -- it was hard to find a site where you could randomly select real Marvel and DC comic superheroes and villains.  But this one does and you can go to the encyclopedia to find out more about your randomly selected hero.  An interest in the superhero world is something I share with my younger boys.    You can sign up for free and save selected recipes in your virtual recipe box.   Plus they send you meal suggestions.   I am trying to be a more adventurous and creative cook so this helps me with the logistical and inspirational part. 

Andre Charlier's Letters to Captains (in PDF)

I have already told you that one cannot expect to “form” or ”reform” others. For the growth of a soul is truly something mysterious, something in which God is happily far more successful than we might ever be by our own attempts. However, you may and you should help your comrades bu such things as counsels, or simple marks of affection. But do beware of sentimentality. For this is not a manly thing. It is not unmanly, however, to show to others a devotion which is full of tenderness. Or it is in such that is founded true authority, and it is in following this that you will come to find yourself well obeyed and without much need of any sanctions. In a word, the first condition for true authority is an utmost respect for the soul.
NAPCIS Resources Page with  links to Church documents on education, and other resources on educational philosophy. I usually visit here every summer while I'm planning for next year.


  1. Thanks for the links, Willa. So far, we found the typing one - lots of fun! - and Sandra Dodds' random site opened up an article about a 16 year old boy called Cameron, which, coincidentally, is the name of our 16 year old boy! What can I say? - a must read!
    God bless you, Willa

  2. 750 words on your memories? you only have to look up to your father to see why that is important and good.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the typing games, Vicky; when I was growing up I always wanted to name my future son Cameron. We ended up going in the Irish direction though.

    Chari, that's what I was thinking. Part of how he made his life coherent was by his writing. He always used to recommend writing out your memories, along with reading the Psalms and keeping track of the books you read, all seems like good advice to me.


I would love to hear your thoughts on this!