Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lightning Struck My Blog

Truly, we did lose our internet for several days after a series of fierce lightning storms up here, but it might not have been noticeable on here because the blog was already so quiet.   There have been a few things going on in the past month, nothing BIG (I always hasten to reassure those who remember Aidan's more up and down days) but just leading to preoccupation and not-posting.  Like many others I know, I still blog in my head while I'm washing dishes, but that is not an agreed-upon convention for communication and probably the greater part of you did not receive any signals at all.

By the way, speaking of lightning storms, I have been reading CS Lewis while offline and I liked this sentence from Perelandra:

"Pure, spiritual, intellectual love shot form their faces like barbed lightning. It was so unlike the love we experience that its expression could easily be mistaken for ferocity."
I hope to post something more like a post next time.   It's surprising how difficult it is to start posting again when one has gotten out of the habit.    Most bloggers who have gotten quiet for a while either apologize and explain, or just pick up where they left off.   I guess this is a bit of both.


  1. "Like many others I know, I still blog in my head while I'm washing dishes, but that is not an agreed-upon convention for communication and probably the greater part of you did not receive any signals at all."

    Willa, this was too funny. Best thing I've read today! Too bad blogging in our heads doesn't work better, if it did I'd have many more readers. :)

  2. Yes, that line was very Chestertonian! Glad you're back. I missed you!

  3. I completely understand! Fall seems like the time when we feed everything *into* our family life, not yet knowing what will come of it and therefore not wanting to say.

    But thanks for the update, though. Glad to know you're well. And it's true that the kitchen sink is a very good place to think, even if it never gets communicated to others ;-).


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