A bag of trash (vacuum for scale) -- I don't even remember what went in there now. Old glue, old paints (some 20 years old), old broken pens, some old pencil cases that are too beaten up to donate. Basically, everything that was cluttering the place up and making it hard to see anything else.
To give away:
Glitter paint, some kind of art kit, some beads, a construction set.
What's in there now:
Tape, staples, paper clips, small paper pads and index cards, post-it sticky notes, paints and brushes, some fabric, some string and beads -- origami supplies. The list goes on but you get the idea.
Pictured-- Kieron's crystals, paints, and Liam's old chemistry supplies from his high school years. Some of my pens, and contact paper rolls.
I didn't take pictures, but I also reorganized the stairs closet which Kieron cleared out for me last week, putting junk in the garage to be dumped. Against the wall I stacked the extra bed in its component pieces there since there isn't room for it anywhere else in the house. It was stacked against the wall in my teenager's bedroom and he's glad to have it gone from there.
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