Monday, July 6, 2009

First Year

I've put 3 weeks of Year 1 Lesson Plans over on the sidebar. If you're interested you can download, revise for own use, etc. They are based on Ambleside with some Catholic elements, and I tried to think out supplementary workbox ideas for each week, but I think I have a bit more to work on with that. I'm planning to do a short term with them during the summer and this will show me if it will work or not. Then I'll still have some time to write more before the summer is over.

(Week 1 page 1)

I've also sketched out the rest of the term for each of the 3 main subjects:

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I am always impressed with the generosity of people like yourself on the internet. They give so much of their time and self and all for the free and to benefit whomever might need the benefitting. Thanks for sharing!


I would love to hear your thoughts on this!