Thursday, June 4, 2009

Timetable for Year 8

Another rough draft -- the Year 8 timetable for next year, Term 1. Here is the Word 2007 version and here is the RTF gray-scale version. You can click on the jpg on the left to make it bigger.

I can already foresee he won't get all of this done in a day.... hmm. It just looks too intense. His high school brother doesn't do this much in a day.

However, laying it out like this shows me what we're up against. Basically, the flow of the day will go like this:

Right after breakfast -- devotions and some studying he can do on his own. Meanwhile, I can work with the little ones.

Later -- little ones play or do discovery-type learning while I read with him or supervise his reading and listen to narrations. Then he has some sort of written project to do -- which I can supervise without being directly on task.

Later still (late morning) -- more reading, until we've had it, then a short all-together free writing/drawing session.

After lunch -- math on his own (with me as resource), then more project oriented things. Then we all go outside, then he reads or does his own things on the days we don't have anywhere to go.

So now the homeschool day for next year is worked out in rough form.

I'll be working through some of this in more detail as the summer unfolds. I'll tell you one thing though -- it won't be as complicated as last year's June planning. Never again, if I can help it.


  1. Sounds good Willa. I am thinking hard on Ambleside this year as my ds13 is such an avid reader and usually loves their books- I am just getting hung up on picking the year (decision making is not my strong point). For my others I can't see it working though- I am trying to do a lighter book load, heavier hands on load for my ultracreative daughter!

    Have a good night,

  2. I thought I saw your name on the Ambleside list : ). I started Kieron on the last term of Year 4 simply because that was where we were chronologically and I thought that this last term would give us a chance to get used to the method and see if it worked for us.

    I'd love to know what you decide with your 13 year old.


I would love to hear your thoughts on this!